Thursday, July 26, 2007

Boy, i haven't blogged for the past few days.. Been uber buisy coz my doggie - Chammy gave birth. I've been really excited about it! I know it's already her nth liter (hehe, btw oi, 3rd palang.) but it's just that I just missed having a puppy around the house.. all my dogs have grown up already.. Anyhoo, like I said I've so excited for her delivery feeling it was my own, lol. Btw oi.. Last friday night I already prepared her whelping box, placed newspapers and towels. I also prepared a basket full of the essentials I might be needing when I assist her in the delivery like clean gloves, surgical scissors, heat lamp, etc. Early morning on saturday, I actually thought she was already going to give birth because she just shrieked out of nowhere (what she usually does when she's on labor). I immediately went to our porch to get her whelping box, but I got so dismayed when I went back to my bedroom and saw Chammy just pooped. Awww Shucks Anyway, she didn't really gave birth until wee hours of the morning on the 23rd. Feeling nurse kau ko ato! lol. Assisting her in the cutting of the cord, cleaning up the pups... Nurse

The proud mother. Tired, yet still pretty. Roll

She actually gave birth to 5 puppies, but the last one died a few minutes after birth and the other one (the ihid) died this morning. Crying 1 I'll finish this blog later on, have to go and buy our dinner. toodles!!

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